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Please note that each package can be modified  to meet your needs and financial situation

* A travel levy of $20 for distance greater than 30 minutes


Birth Doula Package

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My purpose as a birth doula is to support birthing women/families continuously throughout pregnancy + labour with emotional stability and physical comfort; giving the expecting family information so they can make informed decisions that provide a safe, nurturing environment to experience a positive birth.


•Five appointments to fit your individual family needs (Min 2 antenatal visits) where we go over your views on birth, what your preferences are for your birth, postpartum and feeding. During Postpartum visits we debrief the birth, give you a helping hand, nourishing meal/snacks, helping with any questions or further resources  

•Debrief and helping to releasing past traumas.

What roles each person will play in your birth, a body work session, Plus a whole lot of information and recourses so you can make your own informed decisions. 

•Support throughout your pregnancy, birth and motherhood via phone and emails

•Access to book library, TENS machine, The Birth Sling, Rebozo, (birth pool hire at a cheaper rate)

•Being on call 24/7 from 38 weeks onwards 

•Your choice of back up doula if anything prevented me not being able to attend

•BONUS Birth Video and Photos (Being your birth support is my first priority. It is not guaranteed that I will be able to get photos and videos but I often have time to take lots of videos and photos for you to keep and create a birth video for you to look back on and remember how incredible you are!❤️)


Postpartum Doula Packages

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Each family I support has different needs and priorities that we will talk over the initial meeting.

During our time I will provide physical, emotional and educational support to you and your family during the postpartum period. 

I will provide practical support that can include opportunities for you to rest and engage in personal care, grocery shopping, preparing meals, laundry, light housework, animal care, closing of the bones binding, referrals if needed and resources in your community.


  • Discuss your families individual needs during the postpartum period and how I can make the transition more easeful 

  • A birth debrief / unpacking anything you need

  • Feeling and settling support

  • Nourishing meals, snacks and drinks prepared for you

  • Access to a foot spa and back massage 

  • Light housework 

  • Animal care 

  • Sibling care 

  • Holding baby while you have some time for yourself 

  • Referral to local postpartum services if needed 

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Mother Blessing

An intimate ceremony held to prepare a mother for her upcoming birth journey, a day where mother is held emotionally and physically by her sisters, where we weave stories and strength.


We host at your location of choice and supply the following

  • - secondary doula/ photographer

  • - items for red string ceremony

  • - foot soak tub and everything needed for it

  • - natural clays to paint mumma’s belly

  • - oils for hand/ foot massage- affirmation banner

  • - items for the alter

  • - rugs and cushions

  • - in person or zoom meet to discuss desires



Please feel free to ask me any questions or to book in your free initial meeting

Thanks for submitting!

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Double Doula Package

Including but not limited to

  • Obligation free meet and greets

  • Secondary doula/ photographer

  • 4 prenatal appointments

  • Physical and emotional support

  • Addressing and releasing fears

  • Consistent email and text support throughout pregnancy.

  • On call availability 24/7 starting 2 weeks before your estimated due date.

  • Consistent support for the duration of your pregnancy, labour and birth

  • Postpartum planning

  • 2 postpartum visits wherever suits you best - including the birth debrief (home or hospital)

  • Complimentary hire of tens machine and birth sling

  • Provide contacts of specialists for your needs


Birth Pool Hire

Get In Touch

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I acknowledge all First Peoples of this land and celebrate their enduring connections to Country, knowledge and stories. We pay our respects to Elders and ancestors past, present and emerging. I pay respect for their custodianship of these lands and the birthing knowledge which they have practiced for thousands of years

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